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Synthetic light-diffusing foil underlay

Thermabar 397 is a high strength foil wall and roof underlay used in commercial and industrial buildings to provide a vapour control layer.  The product is designed to give a clean white finish enhancing natural light reflection when exposed in warehouse situations. 

Thermabar 397 is self-supporting and fire retardant. 

Product Specifications

Thermabar 397 comes in one roll size:

Width Length Coverage
1350mm wide 55.6m long 75m² coverage*

* Note: m² is the roll size for actual coverage, allow for laps and joins. 

Scope of use

Thermabar 397 can be used in commercial and industrial buildings within the following scope:

  • Constructed with timber or steel framing.
  • Used in conjunction with profiled metal roof and wall claddings. Where adequate ventilation and moisture and condensation control is provided to the building interior for the intended use.
  • Situated in NZS 3604 Wind Zones up to and including ‘Extra High’.
  • Thermabar 397 is generally used in buildings where a means of secondary weather defence is not required. In these situations, it can be used under roofing at any pitch. Where it is used as part of the cladding system, the designer is responsible for the design using the product property performance.

Refer to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice for advice when used in contact with profiled metal roof cladding.


  • Fire retardant.
  • Use as a vapour barrier (non-breathable) or vapour control layer in ventilated commercial and industrial buildings. 
  • Unaffected by LOSP or other solvent based treated timber. However, LOSP or other solvent based treated timber must have sufficient time for the solvent to flash off in a well ventilated area. Recommended minimum 7 days.


  • Commercial and Industrial application only.
  • Must NOT be exposed to the weather or UV for more than 7 days.
  • Must NOT be used under translucent sheeting
  • The suitability of Thermabar 397 for any local environment in commercial or industrial application (e.g. where production activities could degrade the product) must be considered by the designer.
  • Thermakraft 397 is self-supporting up to a maximum span of 1200mm. It can also be supported on mesh or safety netting as required by the building design.


When Thermabar 397 is used, installed and maintained in accordance with Thermakraft literature and BRANZ Appraisal,

the product will meet or contribute to meeting the following provisions of the NZBC:

  • Clause B2 Durability: Perfomance B2.3.1 (b), 15 years and B2.3.2. Thermabar 397 meets these requirements.
  • Clause C3 Fire Affecting Areas Beyond the Fire Source: Performance C3.4 (c). Thermabar 397 meets this requirement.
  • Clause F2 Hazardous Building Materials: Performance F2.3.1. Thermabar 397 meets this requirement and will not present a health hazard to people.
  • Refer BRANZ Appraisal No. 1000 [2018] for full details.

Flammability Index

Thermabar 397 Underlay has an AS 1530 Part 2 Flammability Index of not greater than 5 and therefore meets the requirements of the NZBC Acceptable Solutions C/AS2 to C/AS6, Paragraph 4.17.8b), for the surface finish requirements of suspended flexible fabric used as an underlay to exterior cladding that is exposed to view in occupied spaces.  It may therefore be used with no restrictions in commercial and industrial buildings. 


Thermabar 397 will meet the performance requirements of NZBC Clauses B2, B2.3.1 (b) 15 years, F2 Hazardous Building Materials F2.3.1, providing:

  • It is not damaged.
  • Is installed in accordance with instructions.
  • Is not left exposed for more than 7 days (roof) same day coverage recommended.
  • Is installed by or under guidance of Licensed Building Practitioners.
  • Is compatible with cladding system used.*

* Note: specifiers and product user must confirm roof and wall cladding system compatibility with the underlay before installation.

Internal Moisture

Thermabar 397 is intended for use in commercial and industrial buildings that are subject to specific engineering design. These buildings generally do not require the use of an underlay for internal moisture control.

Thermabar 397 must only be used in buildings with adequate means of ventilation, moisture and condensation control. Buildings incorporating high moisture loads such as swimming pools, freezers, cool stores, open liquid containers and moisture generating plants require specific design and are outside the product’s usage and BRANZ Appraisal scope.

For passive ventilation of the roof space, it is recommended that all roof underlays are terminated at the ridge, and if not it should be slit or slotted to allow for passive ventilation. (For further information refer to the NZ MRM Roofing Code of


Product Warranty

Standard Thermakraft warranty applies. Refer to Thermakraft Warranty Statement for further details. This item is available online here or call 0800 806 595.

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