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High adhesion synthetic window flashing tape.

one wrap system
one wrap system

Thermaflash is a high performance self-adhering window flashing tape.  The advanced adhesive technology provides a high strength bond to most building surfaces and wall underlays.  It is suitable for window and door installation as well as other wall penetrations.  Thermaflash can be installed in a wide range of temperatures and can withstand UV exposure for up to 180 days.

Product Specifications

Thermaflash comes in three roll sizes:

Product Code Roll Size Rolls per Carton
THFLASH075023 75mm x 23m 16
THFLASH150023 150mm x 23m 8
THFLASH200023 200mm x 23m 4

Scope of use

Thermaflash window flashing tape can be used as a flexible flashing system around window and door joinery openings on timber and steel framed buildings within the following scope:

  • Installed into and around joinery openings over the wall underlay and exposed frame to cover both the face and edge of the opening as a secondary weather resistant barrier.
  • Installed at joinery heads to seal flashing upstands to the wall underlay.
  • To assist the overall weathertightness performance of window and door joinery installations.
  • To be used in conjunction with air seals and joinery flashing systems. Installer must check for air seal product compatibility with Thermaflash.
  • Situated in NZS3604 Wind Zones up to, and including, ‘Extra High’.
  • Suitable for residential builds (E2/AS1 timber framed and E2/AS4 steel framed) and medium rise buildings (E2/VM2).


  • Synthetic backing and adhesive. 
  • Thermaflash can be used with either a tapered corner or Thermakraft Corner Moulded Pieces (optional).
  • Thermaflash is compatible with all Thermakraft building underlays. 
  • Unaffected by LOSP or other solvent based treated timber. However, LOSP or other solvent based treated timber must have sufficient time for the solvent to flash off in a well ventilated area. Recommended minimum 7 days.


  • Must NOT be exposed to the weather or UV for more than 180 days.
  • Thermaflash should be installed when temperatures are above -10°C.
  • Thermaflash is NOT designed to overcome poor detailing and workmanship of the window or door joinery installation. 
  • Most window sealants will bond directly to Thermaflash.  However, installer must check the bonding strength and chemical compatibility of the sealant and tape before installation. 
  • When Thermaflash is used with rigid air barrier or rigid wall underlay products, follow the flashing tape installation instructions set out by the rigid air barrier or rigid wall underlay supplier.  Building designer/specifier/installer must check with the rigid air barrier or rigid wall underlay product supplier to ensure that Thermaflash window flashing tape is fully compatible and is warranted with the product system. 
  • When using Thermaflash on medium rise buildings, building designer/specifier needs to incorporate Thermaflash window flashing tape as part of the external wall cladding system along with the rigid air barrier or rigid wall underlay product specified. 


Thermaflash window flashing tape has been appraised by BRANZ as a flexible system for use around window and door joinery for buildings with the following scope:

  • Constructed timber and steel framing in accordance with scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1 and NASH Building Envelope Solutions, Paragraph 1.1.
  • With a risk score of 0-20, calculated in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1 or NASH Building Envelope Solutions, Table 2.
  • With wall cladding systems complying with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1 or NASH Building Envelope Solutions, or a valid BRANZ Appraisal that specifies a flexible flashing system. 
  • With flexible wall underlays compatible with the flashing tape and complying with the NZBC. 


When Thermaflash is used and installed in accordance with Thermakraft literature and BRANZ Appraisal:

  • Thermaflash window flashing tape will meet or contribute to meeting the performance requirements of NZBC Clauses B2, Durability, performance B2.3.1 [b] 15 years* and B2.3.2, E2 External Moisture Performance and F2 Hazardous Building Materials.  Further details can be found in the BRANZ Appraisal.
  • Thermaflash window flashing tape is expected to have a serviceable life expectancy equal to that of the cladding, provided Thermaflash is not exposed to the weather or ultra-violet (UV) light for more than 180 days, or is not damaged upon installation.
  • Thermaflash window flashing tape is designed to work on all building underlays that meet the requirements of NZBC E2/AS1 Table 23, and on all Thermakraft BRANZ Appraised wall underlays.

*Note: When the external cladding is maintained according to the cladding manufacturer’s instructions and the cladding remains weather resistant, Thermaflash Window Flashing Tape is expected to have a serviceable life equal to that of the cladding.

Product Warranty

Standard Thermakraft warranty applies. Refer to Thermakraft Warranty Statement for further details. This item is available online here or call 0800 806 595.

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