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RainArmor Self Adhesive

New Zealand's premium self-adhesive all-purpose wall & roof wrap.

one wrap system

RAINARMOR Self Adhesive is a self-adhesive water vapour permeable membrane to be fully adhered to rigid substrates. Made from synthetic materials, RAINARMOR Self-Adhesive is a water resistant and water vapour permeable three-layer product.

Product Specifications

For ease and simplicity, RainArmor currently comes in one size: 

Product Code Width Length Coverage
RASA146945 1460mm wide 31m long 45m2 coverage*

 Custom branding is not currently available however, if this is something you would like please contact your Thermakraft representative for more details.

*Note: M2 is the roll size for actual coverage, allow for laps and joins.

Product Description

RAINARMOR Self Adhesive is three-layer product coated with a water vapour permeable adhesive, which is designed for to protect rigid substrates with the need for mechanical fixings, such as staples. It will provide temporary weather protection during construction. (Max 120 Days).

Scope of use

RAINARMOR Self Adhesive can be used on roofs and walls on both residential and commercial buildings within the following scope:

  • Can be used in most cavity fixed roofs using a counter batten system and other proprietary roof
  • systems in accordance with the design of the proprietary system supplier.
  • With absorbent wall claddings (e.g. timber, brick or fibre cement) or non-absorbent wall claddings (e.g.metal or plastic) cavity fixed.
  • Situated in NZS3604:2011 and NASH Building Wind Zones up to (and including) “Extra High” when used as a flexible underlay over a rigid substrate.
  • RAINARMOR Self Adhesive has been tested with the following rigid substrates: Kingspan Kooltherm K12 Framing Board, James Hardie RAB, ECOPLY EcoBarrier and GIB Weatherline.
  • RAINARMOR Self Adhesive is an air barrier and is suitable to be used with rigid substrates that do not have air barrier properties.
  • Refer to BRANZ Appraisal No. 1277 for full details.


  • Ideal for prefabricated systems.
  • Water resistant and water vapour permeable product.
  • Split release liner located 250mm from the top of the underlay to assist with installation.
  • Unaffected by LOSP or other solvent based treated timber. However, LOSP or other solvent based treated timber must have sufficient time for the solvent to flash off in a well-ventilated area. Recommended minimum 7 days.
  • Typical construction sealants and expandable foam will not bond to RAINARMOR Self Adhesive underlay. Apply Thermakraft's Thermaflash window flashing tape as a separation layer to achieve the required sealants and expandable foam bonding strength.
  • The underlay component of RAINARMOR Self Adhesive is made in Poland and then adhesive coated in Germany.
  • RAINARMOR Self Adhesive is not subject to a warning or ban under section 26 of the Building Act 2004 when used as per the product scope.


  • Must be stored in clean dry conditions, not in direct sunlight.
  • Must NOT be exposed to the weather or UV for more than 120 days. 


  • RAINARMOR Self Adhesive has been BRANZ appraised with the scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1 and NASH Building Envelope Solutions, with regards to building height and floor plan area.
  • RAINARMOR Self Adhesive has also been BRANZ appraised for use on buildings subject to specific weathertightness design. Building designers are responsible for the building design and for the incorporation of RAINARMOR Self Adhesive into their design in accordance with the declared properties and the instructions of Kingspan Insulation NZ Ltd.

Flammability Index

Control of Internal Fire and Smoke Spread
Thermakraft RAINARMOR Self Adhesive is not fire retardant. As it is exposed to view in occupied spaces, the product does not need to meet the requirements of NZBC Acceptable Solutions C/AS2, Paragraph 4.17.8 b, for the surface finish requirements of suspended flexible fabric.

Prevention of Fire Occurring 
Separation or protection must be provided to the RAINARMOR Self Adhesive from heat sources such as fireplaces, heating appliances and chimneys. Part 7 of NZBC Verification Method C/VM1 and Acceptable Solution C/AS1, and NZBC Acceptable Solution C/AS2 provide methods for separation and protection of combustible materials from heat sources.


Meets the Performance Requirements of NZBC Clauses B2, Durability (B2.3.1 (a) 50 years, B2.3.1 (b) 15 years and B2.3.2), E2 External Moisture (E2.3.2), and F2 Hazardous Building Materials F2.3.1, providing:

  • It is not damaged.
  • Installed in accordance with instruction guide.
  • Is not left exposed for more than 120 days.
  • Installed by or under guidance of Licensed Building Practitioners.

Product Warranty

Standard Thermakraft warranty applies. Refer to Thermakraft Warranty Statement for further details. This item is available online here or call 0800 806 595.

Product Performance

NZBC E2/AS1 Table 23 (NZ2295)Wall Underlay Properties Absorbency Vapour Resistance pH of Extract Shrinkage Water Resistance Air Resistance
Property Performance Requirement ≥ 150gsm ≤ 7MN.s/g ≥ 5.5 and ≤ 8 ≤ 0.5% ≥ 100mm ≥ 0.1 MN.s/m3
Property Performance Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Can be used as an air barrier

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