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Multi-fit pipe and cable wall penetration seals.

one wrap system
one wrap system

OneSeal is a unique multi-fit system providing air and water resistance for pipes and cables. OneSeal is simple to install, extremely airtight and provides high strength adhesion to a wide range of substrates. Remove the guesswork and be sure that you’ll always have the right size for the job. BRANZ appraised, compatible with most building membranes and rigid air barriers. Easy to install – no need for special tools, glue or tapes.

Product Description

OneSeal Multi-fit Pipe and Cable Penetration Seals are manufactured with a soft and flexible 1.2mm thick EPDM fabric supplied with pre-notched ring markings.  The perimeter of the seal is coated with a high performance

adhesive, which is bonded to the wall underlay.

Scope of use

For use on timber and steel frame buildings to provide pipes and cables with an airtight solution when passing through wall underlay.


  • OneSeal Multi-fit Pipe and Cable Penetration Seals have been tested and appraised for a maximum 180 days weather exposure when used on James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers (RAB).
  • OneSeal Multi-fit Pipe and Cable Penetration Seals must NOT be exposed to the weather or ultra violet light for more than 90 days when used on flexible underlays.
  • OneSeal Multi-fit Pipe and Cable Penetration Seals must NOT be installed at temperature of less than -10C. Once fitted, OneSeal Multi-fit Pipe and Cable Penetration Seals can withstand temperatures of -40C to +80C.
  • The performance of the OneSeal product relies on the correct size being selected for the pipe or cable penetration being sealed, and the seal being fully adhered to the wall underlay.


  • OneSeal Multi-fit Pipe and Cable Penetration Seals when used with flexible and rigid wall underlays, provides an alternative solution to the pipe and service penetration detailing specified in the NZBC Acceptable solution E2/AS1, Paragraph and Figure 68.
  • OneSeal Multi-fit Pipe and Cable Penetration Seals provide suitable flashing and sealing around pipe and cable penetrations when used in conjunction with BRANZ Appraised wall underlays, and will contribute to the wall cladding meeting code compliance with NZBC Clause E2.3.2.
  • Meets the Performance Requirements of NZBC Clauses B2, Durability B2.3.1 (b) 15 years and B2.3.2, E2 External Moisture, and F2 Hazardous Building Materials F2.3.1. Refer to BRANZ Appraisal 942 [2017] for further details.

Product Warranty

Standard Thermakraft warranty applies. Refer to Thermakraft Warranty Statement for further details. This item is available online here or call 0800 806 595.

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